========= History ========= 1.4.1 - Moved the documentation to readthedocs.org. - Updated packaging to use distribute instead of distutils. 1.3.1 - Updated build to work with hg and migrated code to bitbucket hosting. No source changes. 1.3 - Supports purging cache contents, based on a suggestion by Thomas Perl. 1.2 - Add a bit of documentation. 1.1 - New features based on a patch from Thomas Perl: * Unicode handling for URLs. * force_update flag * offline mode flag 1.0 - Lock down the API from the last alpha version, and move to beta status. 0.5 - Add tests that illustrate using ``feedcache`` with shove. 0.4 - API changes and additional tests. 0.3 - Eliminates a race condition in the backend storage API. 0.2 - Improve the ShelveStorage backend and add an example script to illustrate how to use the cache. 0.1 - Early alpha version with in-memory and shelve storage options for the backend.